The old footage is amazing to watch in colour and it gives you a glimpse into what life was like 50-100+ years ago but it falls short in the documenting and explaining the times/history, often brushing over events in a few minutes.
It focuses too heavily on Sydney and New South Wales events and most of the other cities just get a brief mention from time to time. It would've been great to see Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne with more footage and compare what was happening more around the whole of Australia. It should be renamed 'New South Wales in colour.'
Worth the watch to see the footage and history but it's definitely framed in biased manner. When discussing women and the workforce and getting equal pay passed in 1969 and then the narrator (Hugo Weaving) adds "And the gender pay gap still exists today in Australia." after women in the 60's were actually paid less for the same work and implying they still are today? The idea that modern Australia, women are paid less for doing the exact same job is not only against the law but has been debunked for years.
Overall ignore the biased narrative the documentary wants to portray Australia as and just enjoy the beautiful images.