While I have a weak spot for any film Lon Chaney is in, this has to rate as one of the worst. Chaney plays Silk Lennox a night club owner and gangster who manipulates people and situations in order to have perfect alibi's for the crimes he commits.
I will survive bad movies if they at least move, but here is a film thats barely an hour long, that is so awfully slow that it feels like its nine or ten times long than its running time. The problem is not in the cast, which is game up and down the line, but rather in the direction which requires nothing from the camera other than to have it shoot what its pointed at, the sequences are staged in seeming long takes akin to something from the stage, and the action is unimaginative. The script is worse with some awful contrivances used to move the plot along.
I unfortunately subjected myself to this movie twice when a copy I had was damaged and I had to return it after watching only 20 minutes. When I watched the replacement I quickly realized that it was better not to know the end than have to struggle through this movie.
Don't let Silk steal your time.