When the story begins, a posse is chasing Lucky (Russell Hayden). To evade them, he jumps, along with his horse, off a cliff into the water. The folks assume he's dead...but they also don't bother to wait for him to emerge from the water...which is sloppy writing.
Later, Hoppy arrives in town and learns why the posse was chasing Lucky....a witness says he saw him robbing the bank. Now of course this makes no sense...and it's up to Hoppy to investigate. And, the most likely place to start is with an obnoxious lawyer (Lee J. Cobb) who simply oozes nastiness!
This is a pretty good film, though redundant when you think about it...such as having an evil lawyer! Overall, not a great installment of the Hopalong Cassidy franchise...but a very good one despite the opening scene. Plus, like many of the best, this one also co-stars Gabby Hayes as 'Windy'.
If you want to see this and other Hoppy westerns, try YouTube, as the very best and most complete copies were uploaded to the site some time ago.