Although this is a film made on a wafer thin budget by poverty row PRC films Dixie Jamboree has a lot going for it with a cast of some fine character players. With Frances Langford singing some sadly forgettable songs and a cast that includes Fifi D'Orsay, Lionel Talbot, Frank Jenks, Almira Sessions, Eddie Quillan and topped off by Charles Butterworth and Guy Kibbee this is one not to tax the gray cells with plot but sit back and enjoy.
Kibbee is the Captain Andy of the showboat Ellabelle and a regular passenger on the boat is Charles Butterworth a snake oil salesman who is sort of a sponsor of the showboat, he gets commercials in for his product during the show. Langford sings for her supper and she's Kibbee's niece and Sessions is her aunt. Eddie Quillan is a sometime trumpet player and full time romantic.
Talbot and Jenks are on the lam they pay Kibbee some big bucks for passage to New Orleans. But soon see possibilities in using the showboat for their own nefarious schemes. Then the fun begins.
Dixie Jamboree is hardly Showboat, not one song comes close to matching anything Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein,II wrote for that immortal show. But these are players with real personalities that make films stand out.
And how often does Eddie Quillan get the girl?