I recently rented a bunch of old TV comedies among which was an episode of this show which I had never heard of before. I was very impressed with the acting, writing, story-telling, humor. This is far superior material to other more famous fifties products. It seems futile to say it, but let's say it anyway: BRING BACK THE GOOD OLD DAYS! Rescue these wonderful shows from oblivion. How about a channel exclusively devoted to playing all that grainy black and white stuff that no one wants to see, except the highly discerning who don't judge a book by its cover. Call me sentimental, or a fifties fan, but there WAS indeed something stylistically unique about early fifties shows, before TV got too smart for its own good. I miss the GENTLE humor, such a refreshing contrast to subsequent heavy-handed, bludgeoning sarcasm. The episode I saw and loved was a variation on an O. Henry story in which one tender soul makes a sacrifice to buy another tender soul a present only to find that the recipient has reciprocated. Wonderful acting by everyone.