This film begins in the American Southwest with a stagecoach headed to a small town named Fury and stopping at a way station along the way. The passengers themselves are a disparate lot which includes a gunslinger trying to make a reputation for himself, a conniving wife who is cheating on her husband, and a cowardly judge. Also included among the passengers is a young woman named "Ann Stewart" (Leslie Banning) who is engaged to the man riding shotgun by the name of "Frank Townsend" (Forrest Tucker). As it so happens, Frank is also a cavalry officer and the reason he is on this particular stagecoach is because he is doing some reconnaissance for another wagon trailing about a day behind which is carrying a strongbox full of gold. What nobody realizes, however, is that a Mexican bandit by the name of Lorenzo Gracia" is waiting at a nearby waystation with a dozen men with the intention of taking the strongbox for himself-and he has no qualms about killing everyone to get his hands on it. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an okay B-movie which suffers somewhat by the obvious stereotypes and mediocre acting. It does feature a couple of interesting characters, however, with the malicious wife "Barbara Duval" (Mari Blanchard) and the dastardly gunslinger "Ralph Slader" (Wright King) standing out the most in my opinion. Again though, while there is really nothing special about this movie, I found it good enough for the time spent and have rated it accordingly. Average.