Smart woman... a great description for film star constance bennett herself! Chronologically speaking, she made this one about halfway through her career... 1948. Bennett is paula, an attorney and a mother. Co-stars brian aherne, barry sullivan, who were both huge film stars at the time. Keep an eye out for james gleason, who always seemed to play police captains... sometimes smart, sometimes dumber than rocks. Paula finds herself on the other side of a case from larrimore ( aherne), who is young and dashing. They fall in love, but are both dedicated to their roles as attorneys. Can they both stay true to their profession, and still be in love? It's sometimes over the top, but quite good. Highlights some basic truths about ethics, right and wrong. Good stuff. Directed by ed blatt. Only directed three films, and this was his last. Check out the bio on constance bennett... she really was an amazing lady.