The Seaview is confronted by a giant seaweed monster with two eyeballs. "I've never seen anything like it!" Exclaims Nelson. Yes, you have, it was on three episodes previously. In fact that eyeball monster was a regular fixture on the show. Whenever they ran out of ideas (which was all too frequent) out would come Mr Eye balls. In one episode they couldn't be bothered to show some rogue scientists so they just had someone relay the information that there were a bunch of rogue scientists on the seabed controlling Mr Eyeballs. They had a villain on board who kept talking to them through a walkie-talkie. Spare no expense!
But you gotta love those titles, usually self explanatory such as 'Terror on dinosaur island' or my personal favourite, 'The monster from outer space.' Highlights include a scientist who took a drug that expanded him in size. It also expanded his clothes and he sprouted fangs ('Behemoth', God, why do I remember that?) Also the under-sea spider. Well cool. Every week Kowalski would be chewed out by the chief or the crew would fling themselves from side to side of the sub. Getting bored with this they introduced a flying sub that would fly around endlessly for little reason and inevitably crash land.
On and on the series went. Eventually they dispensed with all the monsters and had the crew just walking up and down the corridors with the odd lobster man dropping in to break the monotony. Richard Basehart, seeing a once promising career disappearing under the beach break, became increasingly irritable as the series staggered on. In one episode the Seaview was taken over by seaweed for the umpteenth time and he was hilariously indifferent and short-tempered. Grabbing a laser gun with a 'don't-bother-me-with-this' shrug he flatly said "We'll burn it with this" and proceeded to do so with all the urgency of a man filling in a tax bill. Eventually the writers ran out of final scenes so the cast would just stand there looking at each other uncomfortably waiting for Nelson to ad lib something like "er, let's get under way."
It's missed. Sort of.