The "Brit" who snidely berated this program is further proof of why they should stick to trying to master the apparently lost art of dental care.
American humor (or "humour", as they bloatedly spell it) is different from the brown-toothed British variety. That is, it is actually funny.
While some of us on the advanced side of the Atlantic may find Monty Python to be marginally funny, British humor consists of actors speaking in squeaky voices, and men dressed as women --- somewhat akin to today's Democrat Party. Except, the Democrats are occasionally funny.
And, while Benny Hill may have been considered funny, his act consisted of Red Skelton knockoffs. Furthermore, his lonesome decline and decay need no further mention.
In short, the brown-toothed Brits should remember that the humor of this program is best critiqued by someone who culture is closer to that of the program itself.
That is my opinion. I do NOT welcome yours.