As a history buff , I really enjoyed this short lived series. I wonder if it might have fared better if the powers that be had waited until 1976 to put it on.
The young(at that time) cast was excellent, especially Louis Gossett , Alex Henteloff, and Phillip Foulquet at Lafayette. It also featured some terrific guest appearances over its short run.(Brandon DeWilde, in one of his last appearances as Nathan Hale comes to mind.
Also Eric Braeden as a mad(as in crazy) Hessian officer(no typecasting there)Gary Lockwood as a friend of the Larkins who turned out to be a traitor, and Frank Converse as Jeremy's hero brother, who was killed off in the first episode. And who could forget Will Geer as the crusty mayor. If this comes around on DVD I think I'll buy it.