When his entire workforce (and his little dog!) is massacred by land- grabbing badman Fernando Sancho, fancy-pants lawyer/mine-owner Sean Flynn is schooled in the tough-guy arts by his surviving foreman and the foreman's rowdy former Army buddies.
Despite a terminally low budget and some extreme silliness, there's some mild fun to be had here, including a furniture-busting bar-room brawl, no doubt inspired by the one in Dodge City, which starred Flynn's famous dad. Sancho is always entertaining, even though he always plays the same character in just about everything he's in.
It would appear that the entire music budget was spent on a snappy (though pretty bad!) theme song, with the rest of the score being some pretty obvious library music, which lends to the crackpot nature of the film.
After watching Flynn here, it's easy to see why his career didn't take off. Unfortunately, his career as an adventurer was equally as short- lived.