This film essentially begins with a young man by the name of "Federico" (Jean Sorel) who is married to a wealthy woman named "Monica" (Nadiuska) but is having an affair with another woman by the name of "Eva" (Barbara Rey). As it so happens, Federico works with a female colleague named "Elena" (Karin Schubert) who is romantically involved with Eva and is using her affair with Federico to gain control of his company. To make matters even more complicated, a man named "Diego" (Damien Velasco) has just been released from prison and the first thing he does is to blackmail Federico by threatening to reveal his past criminal history before he met Monica and became successful. Eventually, one thing leads to another and Monica soon discovers that she has become an innocent victim in a scheme by certain people so obsessed with money and power that they are willing to do anything to acquire it. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film derives much of its entertainment value by the mystery it manages to contain until the very end. That being said, this film managed to keep my attention for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.