In this offering, BCI paired COACH with "The Beach Girls" as a "Welcome to the Grindhouse double feature." This film hardly belongs in this category.
A losing basketball team, a curmudgeon school administrator (brilliantly played by Keenan Wynn); and, an illicit affair between the coach and a student about sums up this movie.
In addition, while the main characters, played by Cathy Lee Crosby and Michael Biehn, work hard to make the film work, the filmmakers really created something of a disappointment with COACH.
Cathy Lee Crosby's character works well with the team. First, she shows them who's the boss after her first practice. Then, she brings in outside talent, pro basketball player Sidney Wicks. Finally; and, perhaps fate-fully, she participates in their ribald sing-a-long on the bus.
By the way, how many times did Crown International Pictures use that Woody Guthrie "Hey Lolly Lolly" tune anyway? In any case, the acting on the part of the team members is capable as well as their basketball playing.
The score is heavy on the easy listening, romance ballads, which makes COACH seem syrupy. The only exception is the funky "Go Stallions GO," which played during the montage of their winning games. The music really served to heighten the intensity of the game play.
But in the end, it's "Jabberwocky, Jabberwocky, Jabberwocky" that saves the day.
Overall, the movie is pretty light-hearted; and, hard to hate. I give it a 5 out of 10 just for the e. e. cummings reference.