A huge amount of effort must have gone into this foray of creating a top-of-the-line erotic movie at a time when hardcore pornography was still illegal in Germany. Following in the footsteps of the silly but hugely successful "Schoolgirl Report" series, this a feature film containing a series of erotic vignettes centering, around a large tenement house in Munich. I appreciate how the makers didn't just sit on their laurels (director Walter Boos was one of the original co-creators of the Report-series) nor their money and clearly wanted to make their mark in the world of erotica by creating a top-of-the-line product rather than just more top-shelf material.
This movie eschews the ickiness of some of the Report movies, where girls admit to having been the victim of sexual molestation at an early age in order to explain their lewd behaviour, or of attributing outrageous behaviour to barely nubile girls in general.
Many of the 3D scenes seem a bit odd when seen on the small 2D screen, but it's not distracting.
Of the "girls" I particularly enjoyed Rosl Mayr, the Bavarian yenta, who appeared in so many movies of the period.
The actresses (and even the actors) are attractive (including later singer-songmaker Konstantin Wecker) or even stunning, and they're depicted as open people enjoying themselves. The women are active and decide for themselves how far they're willing to go, rather than being brainless bedbunnies. (OK, there are also scenes where they're wearing criminally short skirts and being ogled by dirty men.) Also there is some variety with the Indian girl and the buxom waitress, all of which are depicted as beautiful rather than being ridiculed.
One bit of trivia: Elisabeth Volkmann, the actress playing Rosi, who seduces Lissy with her raunchy story, was later and until her death the voice of Marge in the German dub of The Simpsons.
This is a forgotten gem from a very much bygone era. Enjoy.