Taking place in the 19th century, this made-for-children story is about a twelve year old boy called Silas who lives in a circus. But soon he runs away because he's treated badly there.
The black horse he wins in a bet is with him all through the series. Eventually he meets two friends: Godik and Jenny. Together they have lots of adventures.
Another main figure is the Pferdekraehe (a shrew) who claims to be Jenny's grandmother. She has gloomy intentions but Silas always manages to thwart her plans. Later on he rescues a family and in return they invite him to live with them. Having new clothes and good food he learns to act as a gentleman but the Pferdekraehe is still after him.
Well, there is a happy end and Silas even makes it up with her when she falls from high wall almost breaking her back.
This is one of the better German productions. Excellent acting and a believable story. Even grown-ups enjoy it.