An aura of mystery surrounds the twins,Beth and Michael and their widowed father.Daddy has reason for keeping them from a normal life;for they've inherited their dead mother's powers.When their father is killed by four gun-crazy bikers they decide to re-animate daddy's corpse.They create a zombie to protect them,and to avenge his own death."Kiss Daddy Goodbye"/"Revenge of the Zombie" is a shoddy horror flick that is perfect for fans of trash cinema.The acting is truly horrible and the gore is non-existent.The only reason to watch this obscure horror film is Marilyn Burns in a small role as the social worker who unites with policeman Fabian Forte to unravel the mysterious secrets of the children.The film lacks tension and excitement and is pretty boring,so fans of low-budget American horror will be disappointed.Anyway,give this one a look only if you're a fan of Marilyn Burns.4 out of 10.