In the small La Rochelle town, Léon Labbé (Michel Serrault) is a reputable hatter that lives with his crippled wife Mathilde (Monique Chaumette) and his maid Louise Chapus (Christine Paolini) on the upper floors of his store. The boy Valentin (Fabrice Ploquin) works for him at the store. His neighbor across the street is the Armenian tailor Kachoudas (Charles Aznavour), who lives with his wife and five children in the upper floors of his store. La Rochelle is shaken by a strangler that has already killed six women in the last weeks. Léon like to play card with his friends in a bar and is always followed by Kachoudas that suspects he might be the killer. Among his friends are the Chief of Police Caille (Robert Party), Dr. Chaudreau (Victor Garrivier) and the young journalist Jeantet (François Cluzet), who has theories about the strangler. Soon we learn that Léon killed his wife two months ago and begin the crime spree killing her six best friends that usually visit her on her birthday. There is only the seventh woman missing, but he finds that she died of natural causes. Now the sick Léon looks for a replacement and Louise may be his next victim.
"Les fantômes du chapelier" is an original French movie by Claude Chabrol, with a suspenseful story of an insane hatter respected by his community that is a strangler. The cast is impressively great, with names such as Michel Serrault, Charles Aznavour and François Cluzet, among others, and the screenplay keeps the attention of the viewer until the last scene. The plot is timeless and has not aged after more than forty years. My vote is seven.
Title (Brazil): "Os Fantasmas do Chapeleiro" ("The Ghosts of the Hatter")