Man oh man. This movie is really only for those sentimental about the time when pink Bugle Boy shirts were socially acceptable. Plot is evidently not all that important to the makers of this one, but what *is* important is squeezing in as many B-celebrities as possible without going over budget. All of Candace Cameron, (a then unknown) Jennifer Aniston, The Infathomable Breckin Meyer, Jaleel UPN White, John Ratzenberger, The Nerd From The Wonder Years, Good Winnie Hunting, and a whoooole bunch of other people you might recognize from TGIF. I sat there wondering when Dabney Coleman and Leslie Nielson were going to show up.
It's about a camp. It's about some American youth. Who sing. Sing. Sing!!!!
Recommended for sarcastic teenagers who have nothing to make fun of.