A terrific, quirky film by Alan Rudolph. As an earlier reviewer wrote, he has weird things going on that are never explained. They are just features of his "alternative future". Remember that so much of the world we live in goes by, unexplained. It helps break this film away from the Hollywood-spoonfed blandness.
A real treat not commented on is Keith Carradine. A veteran of Alan Rudolph films, he has a wonderful transformation. Without any commentary, he goes from a rural-type (flannel shirt & jeans) to a denizen of the city (wild clothing, make-up, boufant hairdo). And his behavior gets more bizarre with his change in locale.
Also, watch for one of cinemas most unique murders. Let's just say it involves water, a major feature of the movie, but it takes place in a location you would never fathom.
This is one film I would love to see get the deluxe DVD treatment. Widescreen, director commentary, deleted scenes. It is an overlooked wonder.