Any movie with Julie Newmar in it is at least worth one watch. She only has a bit part here in an Alien rip-off with a police procedural main plot. Charles Napier & Bo Svenson also star in this movie. Tough cop cliches and Alien cliches are mixed together (one scene from Alien is almost stolen intact) for a time-wasting romp. You might not remember it tomorrow, but it wastes 80 minutes in a not too bad way. One problem that is hopefully fixed with a blu-ray release is how absolutely dark some of the scenes are. I know this was a cheap movie & some of the effects are hidden with some darkness, but this is way over the top. You might even give it another point if you're able to see what is going on for the whole run time. As far as Alien rip-offs go, this one wan't too bad, and the story moved at a fast pace.