Two attractive women named "Daria" (Elizabeth Kaitan) and "Tisa" (Cindy Beal) have been captured on their home worlds and are being sent by a prison spaceship to another planet as slaves. They manage to escape from their chains and steal a small escape craft which then crash-lands on an island of a nearby planet. Traveling through the jungle they come upon a castle which is ruled by a man named "Zed" (Don Scribner) who eagerly extends his hospitality. Also there are two other survivors from an earlier spaceship crash named "Shala" (Brinke Stevens) and her brother, "Rik" (Carl Horner). While Zed appears to be friendly they soon discover that his passion is hunting and they are to be the hunted. Now, obviously with a title like "Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity" a person shouldn't expect this to be a first-rate movie. And it clearly wasn't by any means due in large part to the extremely bad dialogue. Likewise, the acting wasn't that good but both Elizabeth Kaitan and Cindy Beal made up for it with their alluring attire throughout the movie. I certainly had no complaints. Even so, there was definitely room for improvement overall and if the director (Ken Dixon) had a larger budget and better writers this would certainly have been much better. As it is though, I have to rate it as slightly below average.