It's been 8 years now, so much has been forgotten, but when this show was on, it was unlike anything else on, or ever seen. Some of the ideas presented made you think, but it was also a fun and entertaining show, like a very upbeat version of Twilight Zone or Outer Limits. Better yet,unlike sitcoms the actors had better things to do than argue with or take cheap shots at one another. What happened, was it too positive and upbeat for TV? A year after this show was terminated, X-Files caught on and was a success; a show that was similar to, but no better than Key West. This show would likely have been successful if it had been given an even chance (remember Star Trek, which first was shown in 1966 but didn't really catch on until 1968). Does anyone out there really know why this show was terminated so prematurely? In addition, is there anyone out there selling copies of this first class series on video cassettes or DVD? I've never been a big fan of TV shows, but when this one came on, I was hooked. It seemed all the more real as I just came back from a visit to Key West in February 1993. Since this show was terminated, my hours of TV viewing declined and haven't watched much since, except for news and the odd nature show. With less hours devoted to TV watching, I've found time for many other fun and exciting pursuits, including skydiving! One must consider that when good shows like Key West are canned and garbage shows like sitcoms or Survivor continue, network TV stations probably want to get us off the couch and outside. Maybe FOX TV is a major shareholder in Performance Design parachute manufacturers or Mountain Equipment Co-op (outdoor equipment sales)!