Ricki Lake started out as an actress parlaying her obesity into a novelty. The fat novelty could only last so long in films & TV fare. So she lost some weight, but still acting jobs were scarce. So she decided to become a hip talk show host. The concept was fresh & innovative in 1993. "Ricki" even spawned the rip-off "The Tempestt Bledsoe Show". This "hip" show stayed on the air way past it's expiration date. The show got stale quickly. One annoying aspect towards the end was the lie detector dynamic. Ricki really beat this one into the ground like a dead horse. It was like watching the same exact show daily. Dolts take a lie detector test & their partners find out whether they cheated or not. UGH! Another major problem with this show was Ricki Lake herself. The woman is as fake & plastic as the day is long. You'd never know she was an "actress" by watching this slop. The idiotic faces she'd make to show "concern", "understanding", etc. were appalling, false, & calculated. She'd also shed a crocodile tear or two, & laughed that phony laugh. She was also a puppet-head. Any fool could have been doing her job, because 90% of the time she was reading cue cards. Thank goodness this trash finally ended up in the TV dumpster in 2004! (If you'd like to see my thoughts duplicated, practically word for word with some extra gibberish thrown in, read what Raysond had to say).