After watching a few short films made by university students and some Oscar winning shorts, I have observed that the films that win acclaim mostly fix its entire scope on a singular event and generally elevate the movie to a level where one presumes he or she has guessed the ending only to be deceived with a climax that is highly unexpected yet totally believable and (forgive me for using this word but I still have the teenager in me) awesome!
When a black man is humiliated on a train for an extended period of time by an elderly woman and there is a supporting focus on a third character, we always tend to assume the third character comes to focus in the end. I had a feeling that the guy would suddenly face the woman and ask her to control herself. Or say the child sitting opposite would kick the lady. Or if the director goes for a Scary Movie ending, then all the passengers would get up and stab that hag to death. But the ending will be a surprise no one would have guessed.
The thing that fetched it the Oscar, apart from its plot, is the irony in the title. Not many movies have so cleverly named their film.
My Rating: 8 out of 10