I'm rediscovering this show and just watched some videos of the two main dudes who are still funny as hell and overall awesome, happy to see them still doing interviews together.
Evidently this was made to sell toys and for a Power Rangers clone it was a great watch for kids. The only thing I remember baffled me even at age 5 is how badly the dog's speech was executed.
Regardless, good stuff, creative visuals, fun enemies and epic practical fight scenes, good humor, really solid for a mid-90s thing aimed at kids. I don't get why some people are overly critical now just because like most things, it doesn't hold up over 20 years later.
It was a fun watch.
As with most things featuring a young girl just for her looks she's probably still the most searched cast member but trust me, you don't need her drama in your life. Look up the dudes instead, they're still awesome and with a great sense of humor.