If you're big on deep plotlines and hate predictability, I cannot recommend this movie. This is basically a children's film where good triumphs over evil and everyone ends up happily. The effects aren't nearly what today's modern kid is used to (no Jurassic Park/Star Wars I caliber computer animation here), but it is a gentle and sweet story that sucked *me* in, and I'm 20. It's a good movie for children to see--no violence, no language--and it introduces them to the beauty and a wee bit of the mythology of Scotland in a way that they will probably find entertaining. Parents might find the movie a bit tedious, but at least it doesn't pander to that obvious kind of low humor where people are repeatedly getting hit with various objects. Stick around for the lovely scenery and Sam MacKenzie's beautiful Scots brogue (why my roommate and I remained glued to the screen). In an era when heros are all-too-often covered in blood and even the cartoons are cursing like sailors, it's a nice little film that, while predictable, you can at least trust not to pollute any minds.