Donnie Yen is probably the most underrated martial arts star of the nineties. Without him, this movie would be nothing more than a Hong Kong snuff film with mediocre special effects and dozens of naked women...not that a movie like THAT couldn't stand on its own merits.
The movie begins with what looks like a beach party with a teacher and a half dozen of his female students. Paradise? Yes, until a cranky demigod rises from the earth and kills every girl there. It is the ancient Chinese god of misogyny.
The teacher, Donnie Yen, is the prime suspect in their dismemberments. Much of the movie is his search for clues as to the identity of the real killer.
I won't say much more except that the movie switches venue to Cambodia and then turns completely from horror to action movie. How many naked Cambodian women can you have in a scene before it begins to look gratuitous?
Apparently more than twenty...