I saw this film a few years back... the odd thing is that I could have sworn it had a different title, and around the same time, I saw a film of this title which was more entertaining(but about as bad overall). So when I saw in the TV listings that a film of this title from 95 was airing, I assumed that it was the other one. Well, I guess we all know what happens when you assume, right? Exactly. So, I re-watched this film after all the years, vaguely remembering that I'd seen it before(movie deja vu, but I guess that's natural with formulaic films like this one), but I only realized that it was the same film at the very end. This movie made little to lasting impression on me(when I was easily impressed), and I'll most likely forget it even faster this time. My point is, there's nothing worth your time here... sure, if this is all that's on, and you've got an hour and a half to kill(no matter how slow a death they suffer), you can watch it. It's not the least entertaining of the genre. The plot doesn't hold water, not a single drop. Things happen for no logical reason. The pacing is decent, you're rarely bored, except for maybe during the last half hour or so... I nearly fell asleep as it ended(though that may actually say more about how much I need sleep rather than how dull the ending was). The characters are paper-thin and clichéd, and they suffer under being powerfully underdeveloped. The acting is decent at best. Larson makes a fair psycho. Kelly "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" LeBrock(don't worry, Kelly, if I hate you, it's because of your acting talent, or rather, lack thereof, or maybe because of your choices... Steven Seagal? What was that about? Do poor actors flock, is that it?), well, she can't act, and it's painfully evident when she has a lead role, like she does here. The dialog is poorly written. So is the script, but this is the guy who created both Jack Frost movies... which I haven't seen, but have heard more than enough negative things about to convince me that they wouldn't be worth it... so I guess that's to be expected. The direction is lazy. For this kind of thriller, it's surprisingly uncreative as far as torture and drama goes. My suggestion to any fan of thrillers: Make sure you've seen every other film in the genre before trying your luck with this one. Most of them are better. I recommend this only to huge fans of the actors involved and/or thrillers. 3/10