"All Dogs Go To Heaven-The Series" is without a doubt one of the best animated series of all-time IMHO. I've loved it since I saw the first episode in September of 1996. I remember getting excited seeing the previews for the series in late August of that year. I couldn't wait 'till it premiered and when I finally saw the first episode I knew it was worth the wait! (: My favorite character in the series of course is Sasha LaFleur (I've loved her since I first saw her in ADGTH2). My favorite series ep. and song have the same title "The Perfect Dog" (ep #13). If you're a fan of Sasha, you'll love this ep (as well as eps. 1, 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 21, 24, and 25..among the many ADGTH eps she makes an appearance in..). Right now, the show is off the air...but with some fan support, It could be brought back to TV.. I hope that many more people can find out about this wonderful series that has meant so much to me..
Thanks, JPJr. (The Sasha LaFleur Fanatic!!!)