Back in the early '90's, The Jerry Springer show dealt with serious issues though not as popular as "Oprah" or "Maury", it still had its merits. Despite this, it paled in comparison to "Geraldo" or "Donahue". Donahue and Geraldo, on the other hand, were REAL compared to Maury. Its unfortunate that the the quality of this show reached its peak in the mid-90's, replaced with nothing more than sensationalism which says a lot about our current social and political climate whom in this day and age have been "browbeaten" and in a state of collective denial. The media is no longer the way it was; it is controlled by those in power with corporate and political interests. We are being fed what "they" want us to be fed. We are being "told" what "they" want us to be told. And its scary because the real power of this once-great nation is held by the people(supposedly)whose freedoms and ideals that make America the envy of the world are now being systematically eroded by what is now "corporate America". This show is proof of that.
This show, for the most part, doesn't benefit society in any way, shape, or form and its time people realize that. There's no logic, no sense of cohesiveness to warrant this as an acceptable medium. If people keep watching this show, then it is safe to say that they are systematically under "corporate America's control".