This movie consists of a bunch of quirky characters doing incredibly quirky (and violent) things and mouthing absolutely unbelievably quirky dialogue. I'd imagine that how it came to be was that the folks who created it saw films such as those of the Coen brothers and Quentin Tarantino and basically completely missed everything that was going on other than the superficialities, i.e. the quirkiness and the violence... so they said to themselves "Hey, we can make a movie like that... just take a whole mess of quirkiness and some violence, throw it all in a box, and shake!" And that's just what they did... with Fly Paper being the result. It's sort of what you'd get if you took Fargo and Pulp Fiction, removed all the intelligence and humanity, amplified the quirkiness by a couple of hundred percent, and then threw the mixture into a blender set on 'Purée'. Only recommended to those with a high tolerance for and liking of quirkiness and violence, and no requirement that a film should contain anything else. Technically the film is thoroughly professional on all levels... it's a pity the content is o limited (perhaps it's meant to be a parody... but then shouldn't it be funny or something?)