Southern Cross was the third series done under the 'Super Dimensional' moniker (others being Macross and Century Orguss; none of the three share common elements besides this), but failed to capture the popularity of it's predecessors, and after having seen it myself, I can understand why.
For one, the mecha designs are uninspiring; there's none of the awe one would get from watching Valkyries in action, but then, most of the action takes place on ground anyway. The chosen method of transport/combat for our group of heroes is a sort of anti-grav tank that can also transform into a robot.
Second, the characters are pretty two-dimensional. I concur with the other reviewer, Jeanne is what would have happened if Lynn Minmay had been a military commander. Likewise the character development is pretty ham-handed and forced.
The biggest problem is the plot; the show was cancelled after only 23 episodes, and the series proceeds at it's own leisure until the last story arc which goes on at breakneck pace unlike anything before them and still fails to tie up several loose ends and plot points; we are never given an explanation to who exactly the Zor are nor are we told why they became the way they are. It's irritatingly confusing and frustrating.