It's refreshing to see a movie like this get made instead of some of the farces we seeing studio heads giving the green light to, today. Kudos to those who both greenlighted it and who made it.
Entropy had it all for me because it was funny, tragic (funny tragic) and dramatic. I felt good throughout the movie and I actually don't know why I didn't know more about it or Phil Joanou. I blame this on the modern day movie machine not being able to properly promote movies that are both creative and eye catching. The scenes from New York's waterfront are in bold and contrasting colors, and it enlivened me further during a recent visit there. Joanou did the right thing film makers are supposed to do, he inspired us to see more into life and art and be entertained in the process. Such is the personal story that is being told in Entropy. After all, I don't think there is a single soul out there that hasn't felt some sort of incident or disaster in our romantic lives, and can't look back at it and laugh at in jest. We are not the most perfect of people, us humans, and all the better we can share the experience!
I give Entropy an "8" just because it was so entertaining and visual, and while there will be many that will call this plainly over-rating, I don't care, I just really enjoyed the movie and could watch it again and again.