This movie is about Terry Martin (Nick Moran), a neurotic undercover cop who
finds himself in a sticky predicament. Martin is investigating Simon Bascig
(Steven Lange), a very charming, intelligent, and mildly psychotic underworld figure. To prevent himself from blowing his cover, Martin claims to have a high maintenance wife that keeps him from socializing after work. This ruse works for a while, but Bascig presses Terry to bring his wife to a social gathering. The problem: Martin has no wife, real or undercover. Enter Susan Reese (Jennifer Esposito), a cop with no undercover experience, but a lot of ambition, smarts, and beauty. Reese accompanies Terry to Bascig's party and Bascig falls for
her. Much to Martin's chagrin, Reese becomes a part of the investigation. From here, the movie unfolds into a first-rate thriller wrought with intrigue as we see...
This moving is great! The story is fresh and original, striking a nice balance between character development and action. Great acting by Esposito, Lange
and Moran. I especially love Lange's performance: the right amount of bravado and psychotic. The cinematography is crisp and does a nice job fueling the
mood of the story. The director, Richard Gale, does an excellent job bringing the story to life, which is especially impressive given that the movie was made under the smallest of budgets and shot over just a few weeks. By the way, all this information, and a whole lot more, is found in the director's well-done
commentary. Gale gives us insight into all the behind the scenes tricks as well as his reasoning for scenes. This part of the DVD is a must watch, especially for directors working under similar circumstances.