This is, without a doubt, the worst thing ever put to film, ever, no exceptions! We rented it, thinking it would be good for a laugh. Any movie with a reflective, shiny box has to have something good in it, right? Wrong!
This movie is actually (I am not making this up) two movies spliced together. One was filmed in the USA and is the actual movie (approx. 15 minutes long) and the other is an old Japanese horror flick from the 70's. They are spliced in to one film, but make absolutely no sense together. The only tie-ins are a wedding at the beginning (alluded to in the American half, shown in the Japanese half) and a ridiculous fight between the kick boxer (not from hell) and the devil (who has a picture of a Japanese girl; supposed to be the same as the one in the Asian film, but pathetically/obviously not).
Either of these two movies would have been bad, but together, they are mind-numbingly horrible. To top off the atrocity, both films have been over-dubbed so as to create the illusion that it is one movie instead of two (after all, the USA part was done in English, the other, obviously not). What makes this so bad is that the American parts are saying the same thing as the dub, and it shows. Their lips are simply out of sync.
Nothing can prepare you for the onslaught of junk you will be absorbing if you play this tape. Make certain you do not watch this abomination alone. I really can't exaggerate that. To quote Mr. Cranky (my favorite movie critic): "In the battle against crap, it was an enemy blitzkrieg waged by the Testicle-Stomping Mutants from Hell".