This is New York this is Undying Love! Apparently the director couldn't decide, or perhaps he was drunk and or high because that would also explain the quality of the film.
This vampire movie is immensely 1990's, the only way it physically could have been more 90's is if everyone had the Flock Of Seagulls hairdo and travelled around each scene on a space hopper.
I had a space hopper once, I called him Mr Hoppy and was emotionally traumatized when I saw it with exactly the same name on the television show Monkey Dust (2003) as that particular Mr Hoppy is a psychotic and convinced it's owner to do horrible horrible things! Thankfully mine didn't, all the murders I committed were due to my slinky. His name was Mr Springy and he liked it when I burnt things and I don't mean toast! Anyway I digress, back with the New York Vampire......*ahem*....Undying Love we have a generic vampire story but the vampires in question don't follow any of your standard vampire rules, in fact they don't even have fact they can be killed in anyway alike a human. Wait were they even vampires? Was this movie really about a bunch of pasty emo's? Bottom line is if I had to choose between Hollywood Vampire & Twilight I'd triple backflip off the Brooklyn bridge while singing no no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit. Also very 90's and amazingly wasn't in this movie. If they all sang that on their space hoppers while grooming their flock of seagulls hairdos this might have actually been entertaining! We can only dream of what that movie would have looked like!