Now I'd be the first to admit that I haven't seen this pop star vanity project for a while, but as they say: Bad memories cut deep and I find it virtually impossible to come up with answers to these questions a) Who would want to pay money for a production with a script as patently rubbish as this and b) If this is the first film where the starting point was.. Nicole Appleton's breasts. When is someone going to pluck up the courage to tell these singing prima-donnas that to star in a movie you need ACTING LESSONS. Britney and Mariah, I hope you're listening too(And who can forget From Justin to Kelly....Urgh). These poor deluded creatures should keep their Hollywood dreams at bay and concentrate on their singing careers (Though admittedly, some of them aren't even too hot at that). Anyway back to the film: Well it's rubbish if you haven't got the message by now, squeezing every British crime movie cliche out into the open and still making a pigs ear of it. Oh Lock Stock, what have you brought upon us?! Plus the movie is full of time-line mistakes considering it's meant to be set in the 60's (check out the goofs section) and it also wastes a fantastic British supporting cast. It all adds up to a huge waste of celluloid, an experience that the All-Saints ( Now embarking on their career as solo artists) would no doubt rather forget and (hopefully) a message that rings loud and clear to all singers thinking of venturing outside their area of expertise.. Don't do it guys!!