I just saw "The Soul Collector" on cable television last night. I didn't see the beginning, but I was quickly taken in when I realized that this was a story about an "angel" coming to earth. I thought it was pretty good, although I realized that Hollywood once again believes that everyone who dies goes to heaven--and the Bible says that isn't the case. That truth being somewhat bent, I saw nothing else that was necessarily wrong in the idea that heavenly beings assist those who will go to heaven with the transition. Perhaps those who go to hell also have "escorts"--ala the movie, "Ghost." Who knows? It was a nice love story with a comforting message. I didn't mind the ending, although some might consider it sappy or convenient. Love stories should leave viewers feeling at least safe, if not uplifted, and this did it for me. I watched even though I have three sons, two teenage and one a bit older, who cajoled me repeatedly to turn on late-night sports and give up on the "mush." Every now and then, though, a "chick flick" is just what I need!