In a near future, Lucy Chang (Jeanne Chinn) is a special agent from Hong Kong police force chasing the evil Dr. Fong (Dennis Akayama), who has a virus that halts the aging process. Dr. Fong moves to USA to sell the dreamed fountain of the youth. His intent is to become rich and powerful, no matter the social problems of feeding and the unbalance of the population this cosmetic could cause to the world. In this period, the US Marshalls are rewarded for bounty rather than by salary. Lucy is incriminated by her corrupt superior to the American police force, and a high reward is offered for Lucy's head, dead or alive. Lucy is chased by the agents, but agent Jake Randall (Jeffrey Meek) trusts on Lucy and helps her to avoid Dr. Fong to be well succeeded in his intent. Although having flaws in the story and poor special effects, this movie is a reasonable sci-fi adventure. There are good jokes, like the sequel of `Tomb Raider VII', the 60th year tour of the Rolling Stones or the Britney Spears tour. The police uses harmless weapons, and their lawyers looks for eventual victims of the police shooting for dealing without the need of going to court. The movie has many good ideas, which could be improved for a better sequence. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): `Codinome Fênix' (`Code Name Phoenix')