This film essentially revolves around a female street gang led by a young woman named "Mako" (Meiko Kaji) that is having problems with a male gang known as "the Eagles" which is led by a man called "the Baron" (Tatsuya Fuji). To that effect, although the Baron is quite attracted to Mako, what he doesn't like is the fact that some of the local women with connections to her gang are hanging out with certain young men who are of mixed Japanese and Afro-American descent. So, in order to further his racist views, he and his men resort to extremely violent measures to expel them from the area. What he doesn't count on, however, is one particular young man named "Kazuma" (Rikiya Yasuoka) who is willing to endure all kinds of abuse in order to find his younger sister who was separated from him many years earlier. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I thought this film was slightly better than its immediate predecessor due to its more dramatic plot. Having said that, however, I must admit that there were a couple of scenes that were somewhat unrealistic. Even so, I liked this film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.