He ain't nothing compared to Marc Summers and his everlasting career, even today. (Food TV) JD Roth felt the need, to ask kids questions randomly during intro that would make them look like complete idiots. I would be more clear on words if JD Roth had not been putting 10 year olds on the spot asking questions about their interests, that mostly, none of them could answer, on the spot, on camera. He bombed on hosting a Double Dare clone that producers shouldve just hired, Mike O'Malley or Summer Sanders. At least Summer Sanders is worth having a crush over... Did JD Roth ever grow past the age of 21? If anything the show FunHouse was good, but had a bad choice of a host. He is not the type like a high profile Marc Summers was, as Marc was highly interactive to the children on his game shows. Marc always involved the stage cast as well as getting himself gacked up in the process. My honest, and long lived opinion. JD Roth is not Marc Summers, and I'm glad he is off Nick TV and onto Discovery Kids. He needs his own identity away from the Double Dare clones. This is not to flame JD Roth, but its a shame he was subjected to be compared to the legendary Marc Summers.