My brother actually taped all 8 episodes when they aired on Comedy Central, and each episode made me laugh, which is more than can be said of most sitcoms lately (the lame "Friends" comes to mind). Other reviewers have pointed out that it was more of a parody of all of the formulas present in bad sitcoms than a chance to bash the president, which I agree with. They do make fun of the president, but in a goofy, lighthearted way. They actually make him much more likable and reasonable than I find the actual president. Granted, this series started at the beginning of his "presidency", so there wasn't that much material to work with, and the show seemed to be pulled right after 9-11. Why? Also, I read that Matt and Trey weren't allowed to portray Bush's 2 drunken twin daughters. A shame! This show should have aired on cable... Each episode dealt with a "hot" topic, from abortion to gun control, drug use (Dubya accidentally takes a hit of Ecstasy! Hilarious!) to Capital Punishment, even right to die, with Kovorkian trying to put the Bushs' elderly cat to death! One scene even had an aborted fetus riding on the cat! There was also an episode where Dick Cheney usurps the prez and kicks him out of the white house! Bush then tries unsuccessfully to hold a real job! Like I said before, the only complaint I had with the show is how it handles Dubya with kid gloves, but does have the occasional zinger directed at him. One of my favorite lines was when Laura says: "You may be a terrible president, but you're a pretty darn good husband!"