So I remember this show as being one of my most enjoyable shows when I was a kid and probably one of the few spy series that I would love to watch anytime.
That being said, the first 3 seasons are superior to the last 3 seasons. So I kind of consider the show as: The original run which started in season 1 and ended with season 3 2 part finally. That is probably the best incarnation of it. I rate those a 9.
Everything after this was a slow descent from a more grounded show, somewhat, to complete sparkle magic nonsense where smarte villains become white Karens who complain about every single thing. Every villain basically becomes the Disney Doofensmirtz villain.
There are SO MANY great things about season 1 that they SHOULD use for any new season. Take the villain Ariel for example, never captured, promised revenge, we never see her again. Take the previous incarnations of Spies, it would be awesome if we have more episodes about them.
When you have some reoccurring villains, some kind of characters, wouldn't you care a bit more about what is happening?
Lastly, the show became much more boring and the jokes are flatter than a rice sheet. Why? Why not insert some innuendo like the original series? So what if the professional victims complained about it? The jokes didn't mean anything for kids. It actually made it more enjoyable for re-watch.
When nothing is funny, nothing is enjoyable, nothing is worth watching: why would you want to watch it again?
So season 1-3 are a 9 or a 10. Season 4-6 are like a 6 or a 4.