Inside tells the story of a patient who has multiple personality disorder and the struggle of dominance to which one of those personalities controls the body.
The initial concept of this short is original and intriguing, but I felt that the final presentation gives too much away and tries too hard to look stylistic that it loses it's originality. The use of many different actors as the multiple personalities and not just voices was a very smart move on the filmmaker's part, it visually tells us what we need to know in the matter of seconds.
Having the "personality" speak at the same time as the person who hosts these personalities is an interesting choice. It shows that the amount of preparation put into this film was immense. Each personality was extremely different from one another and the casting shows this.
The sets themselves were simple, yet overdone at the same time. It seemed they were trying too hard to get a certain feeling across by the way they created the hallway set piece, it didn't fit with the rest of the story or mood. It seemed too gimmicky and detaches the viewer as soon as they see it.
The female doctor, who later turned out to be one of his personalities as well gives away the secret twist at the end by looking at all the personalities. If that one particular scene was not in the final product it would have worked a lot better. Story telling, for a short such as this, the filmmakers need to be one step ahead of the audience all the time, especially if they want to catch them off guard with a twist. This short failed to do that.
The short itself was entertaining to watch, visually and technically really well done, but a few flaws with the story and it's presentation hurt it.