This latest cartoon show for PBS takes place in cyberspace in which is full of societies in their own right. Cyberspace is governed by a program called Motherboard, and Dr. Marbles makes sure she is able to function. However one of Dr. Marbles own creations called The Hacker is determined to destroy Motherboard and become ruler of Cyberspace. To do this he creates three henchmen, Buzz, Delete, and Digit. The latter of the three betrays his evil creator and sides with Motherboard.
However Motherboard's encrypted chip becomes missing after and she is at risk of being completely deleted. To that end Motherboard recruits three kids from our reality. The kids along with Digit use math and solve puzzle skills in their quest to find the chip and to defeat The Hacker.
Cyberchase is one of the first PBS Kids shows to try to play on the good vs. evil cartoon/kids shows but at the same time try to inject educational information. Cyberchase is more than just the basic and higher math; it also makes uses of common math and puzzles in everyday life.
Their is also a 'Cyberchase for Real' segment in which everyday young people deal with mathematical puzzles and problems and everyday life. Like finding out how far it would take to get to someone's house by bike, rather than a
Cyberchase is a fun way to present math, and shows some of very basics of math. It may not help those who have troubles with it, but it is still a fun show to watch.