This show takes place at Oaks boarding school in England, and focuses on nine students who reside in the one of the school's dorms, called Discovery House (which is run by its occupants, all teenagers): Anya, Miles, Chris, Beans, Jax, Bethan, Drew, Stags and Tally. Miles and Chris are brothers, and Miles always looks for ways he can stab his brother in the back; Anya is the gorgeous but delicate girlfriend of Miles (and for whom Chris has a mad crush on, which she seems to reciprocate); Jax is the rebellious one of the bunch, and Beans is her flaky best bud who lives in D.H. attic; Staggsy and Drew are also best buds, and the youngest members of the House; and Bethan is the shy, underconfident overachiever who has a passion for track, and who lives with the self-absorbed American Tally).
The stories aren't particularly heavy, but are quite entertaining nonetheless. It all comes down to the fact that the characters are so likeable (save for Miles), and the actors and actresses portraying them are so winning. Fiona Wade especially sparkles in her role as Anya Vicenze. She lights up the screen in every scene she's in, and her upscale English accent is the best and classiest this side of Daljit Dhaliwal. I'd listen to the show on radio if I had to just to hear her speak.
All in all, worth 30 minutes of your time (commercials included).