First of all, this movie was entertaining, the only problem was that it had already been done! There were way too many similarities to Die Hard for me to not notice, even some direct ones that made me laugh because they were things that happened in Die hard that werent even necessary to the original story. If the writers of Christmas Rush really wrote this script originally, then I feel really bad for them. Man all that work, and then its done, they watch it and are like "oh crap, we just wrote Die Hard!" Even though the actual Die Hard Can be seen as a cliche, I think that it was still well done and original, and I'm sure it took lots of work to write. If the Christmas Rush writers really didnt even think about Die Hard, then it sucks to be them, all that work for nothing! The reason I was only half-joking about them rewriting it unintentionlly if because if they wanted to make a cheesey Die Hard spinoff, then they would have at least made an attempt to hide it. Plenty of movies are spinoffs of other movies, but the writers do try to hid it unlike Christmas rush.
all in all, I thought it was a pretty good movie, and if it had been original, I would have liked it more, although laughing at the die hard similarities kind of added to the fun!