OK, I saw the previews, and immediatly said to myself, there's some possibilities with that one. I watched it, and I must admit, I was held captive for the two hours. I mean, I didn't want to turn it off, or go channel surfing. It was entertainning, and suspenceful. Now, I MUST admit, it had an ALFUL lot of tv horror movie CLICHES. The very first scene was a bit over done and almost turned me off. There was NOTHING original about it, I had that feeling of seen it, been there, done this before. But yet, it still was kinda fun to do it again.
It didn't really drag anywhere, the pace was decent, but the ending left me a bit confussed. I don't know if it just was a total let-down and cop-out, or a stroke of genius on the story-line. Actually, it had that Jeepers Creepers ending feeling, kinda like the evil won nad the good was over-come. All the question were left UN-ANSWERED, and left you with an unsolved mystery.
Is it demonic? Is it aliens? What is it? What is happening? Were those the REAl people at the end? Does everyone die and get "replaced" with mindless drones?
I wonder if they are planning a sequel to this, because it felt like part one to a mini-series, and I'm still waiting for part two.