This is an obnoxious, sense-free 'comedy' based on the famous Andy Gump comic strip -- and the story logic is so appallingly and obviously bad, that instead of appreciating the one or two well-executed gags, including one with a runaway spare tire, I spent my watching time being annoyed by the sheer poverty of imagination -- the repetitive titles, the payoffs that were telegraphed well in advance of their execution and the general wastage of some real talent.
Fay Tincher, who plays Mrs. Gump in this short was, a decade earlier, one of the finer comediennes on screen. But times had changed, and like the movies of today which seem to be all too often either based on video games, charmless remakes of older successes or unending series of sequels, the 1920s plundered the comic pages of newspapers for ideas. Some, like the Winnie Winkle series starring Ethelyn Gibson, were well turned out pieces. This one is just awful.