This is one of those shows that I only watch when I happen to turn on the TV when it is on (or more often, when I come home and my roommates are watching it, since I almost never watch TV), but every single time I see it I am rolling on the floor laughing. It's easy to call something like this stupid, mindless fun, but the idea of it is great and, if nothing else, the voiceovers are brilliant. The hosts say the most random things imaginable but are unbelievably hilarious. I just saw an episode a few minutes ago which featured some military guys against some beauty pageant people (that's about the extent of my knowledge, I couldn't hear much more than that over my own laughter) and one of hosts says, "I just tried to talk to the beauty pageant winner but she totally blew me off," to which the other host understandingly replied, "Yeah, they win one beauty pageant and it goes right to their life-like heads."
Such a simple line, but I almost fell out of my chair laughing at it. The jokes are not really jokes, they hide their punch-lines in normal sounding conversation which makes it even funnier because, as Gallagher has taught us, "Comedy is a surprise, you see. If I just did what you expected all the time it wouldn't be damn funny!" Needless to say, the jokes in this show are so outlandish and so random that it's impossible not to laugh, even if only at the obscurity of it all. The summary line above, for example, was exclaimed by a woman as she jumped up to take her best shot at becoming one of the ten most painful eliminations of the day.
This has been brought up on the message boards for this movie, but if they ever come out with a DVD collection of this show I will be the first guy in line to add it to my tiny collection of TV show DVDs, along with my Simpsons collections and Sledge Hammer collection. This show makes me laugh harder and more consistently than The Simpsons, which is by far my favorite TV show of all time. Every episode of MXC that I see brings it closer to the top of my list, and although it will never pass the Simpsons, this is not a show to be missed. Bring on the DVDs!